Men Only Hunt 9

If there's Women Only Hunt, of course there's MEN ONLY HUNT... and you don't want to miss it, especially you guys. Aside from getting goodies, you'll also be introduced to lots of shops that make items for male. 

Listed below are the need-to-know about MOH9.
- Hunt Duration: Whole month of April 2017
- Hunt Object: Mustache (Size varies)
- Participating Stores/Stops: 50 (max.)
- HUD based, Free/0L$ (see photo: left side) - Located at Flair for Event Office's front desk.

A. Photo taken @ Flair For Events Office
Left: MOH9 HUD
With regards to the provided Hunt HUD, I am so loving it! Everything you need is there;
- Shop list (Auto TP when clicked)
- Hints Tab (list format)
- Auto updates when added/worn
- Important web links and group joiner, etc.

B. Some of the Prize Items for MOH9
As you can see on the above photo (B), the prize items for MOH9 are in different types and kinds. You'll get:
- Apparel; Fitmesh to Mesh with specific sizes for Mesh Bodies
- Accessories (e.g. Caps, Bracelets, Watch, Attachments, etc.)
- Appliers (e.g. Skin, Tattoos, Beards, etc.)
- Poses

Note: Photo (B) doesn't show all the items you'll get for this hunt. There's a lot more! I can only show you what I can rez on the ground and those items with texture/pictures included in the pack of prizes. :)

Personally, at this moment, I still have 3-4 items to find. One store where I found a mustache but it contains nothing. Maybe it's not the right mustache tho. I don't really know. And... One store has this hunt object that you can only click/get the items once so better be careful with that. Take that from personal experience 'coz I accidentally clicked "discard" when the receive item pops up and yeah, I didn't get the item. *sad face* LOL. Some of the items are inside of something so you have to look to and through when searching. 

When you get stuck finding the hunt object in a store, you can skip it and go back there when you're done with the others. That's so you can go on to the next store and make your hunting a little faster.

Fortunately, some items/appliers prizes can be used by females as well. \o/ Lucky! So...grab your friends and do the hunt! 


Just for the readers that don't know yet;
- I love hunts! But...
- I only do hunts that are Free/0L$. (Top reason is...I'm flat broke. LOL)
- I do the hunts FIRST before I could post photo of the prizes I acquired from a hunt event. Because of that, most of my hunt posts with the prize items are not at the same day with the hunt events' starting dates.

THANK YOU for everyone behind Flair for Events and most especially, THANK YOU to all MOH9 participating creators/stores for the amazing gifts! <3 

Happy hunting!

Disclaimer: I do not made/created the item/s used in the photo/s.
If you have ANY information with regards to Second Life, please let me be informed too. I sincerely appreciate it. ♡ Also, visit me on: Flickr and Wixsite
