AShin B&W Portrait

Yo! ^-^ I don't really have anything to blab today LOL!

AShin B&W Portrait
Mesh Head: CATWA Lona
Mesh Body: MAITREYA Lara
Mesh Ears: PUMEC Valentine's day GROUP GIFT
AMIAS Coralie (at FLOURISH EVENT First Round - April 2019)
YSORAL Luxe Piercing Ofelia (specifically for Catwa Lona)
VALE KOER Deadly Grasp
.IDENTITY. BODY SHOP Bleeding Heart*
LE FORME Scars of a Warrior*

*Note: I got the tattoo from the Identity Body Shop as a prize for Men Only Hunt - Hipsta and for the Le Forme, I can't remember where I got it. I just found it on my inventory.

Have a nice day! xo

- Ana Shin

If you have information about ANYTHING related to Second Life, please let me be informed as well. I sincerely appreciate it. 
♡ Also, visit me on: 
Twitter: @TLATF00
